
How to Customize GA4 Data Extraction

Updated on

Oct 31, 2023

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Now API configurator is available for Google Analytics 4 only.


API configurator is a feature that allows you to create custom extraction templates with flexible dimension settings.

There is no binding to the data structure specified in Improvado. Any set of dimensions and metrics allowed in the data source API is available for extraction.

Workflow Overview

How to create a new custom extraction template using API Configurator

Initially, there are no differences from the flow of creating a standard custom extraction template. Click the Create a template button (at Step 2 of the Set Up Data Extraction flow or on the Extraction templates tab)

Step 1

  1. Set a unique title for a new custom extraction template.
  2. Add a short description (optional).
  3. Choose the data source for which you want to create a custom template.

The options to Continue with basic configuration (use predefined data schema) or Use custom (define it by yourself using the API configurator) appears for Google Analytics 4 data source. 

  1. Click the Use custom button to continue.

Step 2

  1. Set the Aggregation by date filter to show only parent templates of the particular data class (e.g., Daily).
  2. Choose the parent template from the drop-down list.
  1. Configure the settings
  2. Configure the set of dimensions and metrics

Google Analytics 4 API allows you to extract the date and eight more compatible dimensions. You can choose any available combination of fields.

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You will not be able to edit the set of dimensions of your custom extraction template once it is created!

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  1. After selecting metrics and dimensions, click the Validate button to start the compatibility check.

If you’ve selected incompatible fields, the warning message will show which fields (metrics and dimensions) are incompatible. Change the selection and repeat the check until you see the Create button in the lower right corner of the screen. 

  1. Click the Create button to finish the custom template creation and save your template for data extraction.

As a result, you will see a new custom template in the list of the available templates.

Schema information

Setup guide


Troubleshooting guides

Check out troubleshooting guides for
How to Customize GA4 Data Extraction


Frequently asked questions

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